Expedition application and urgent matters in the Equity Division (as dealt with in the Rules and in Practice note SC Eq 8) have been a feature of practice.

One of the issues in this case concerned whether specific performance, as opposed to damages, was an appropriate approach in circumstances where the plaintiff sought orders for specific performance of a binding term sheet which provided for the declaration of a dividend sourced from conduit foreign income and then for a declaration of trust. The Cout made orders for specific performance. This result was reached after the Court found that the matter had urgency in consequence of the imminent expiration of a transitional residency exemption on foreign income received.

This matter raised allegations of negligence against a number of professionals including a licensed conveyancer and solicitors. Issues of proportionate liability were also raised. The matter also involved an application for expedition.

This matter included a claim for expedition.

This matter involved a dispute concerning the terms of a distribution agreement. It was in that context that an application for expedition was made.

This matter concerned an expedition application.


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